Pterygopalatine fossa
The pterygopalatine fossa is a challenging topic in anatomy. First of all, the name of that fossa and surrounding structures are difficult to remember. The second – fossa is localized deep in the middle of the skull between 3 bones (maxilla, palatine, and sphenoid). Finally, the pterygoid fossa has six different connections to the skull's main compartments (two canals, two openings, and two fissures).
The list of terms:
Fossa pterygopalatina – Pterygopalatine fossaFissura pterygomaxillaris – Pterygomaxillary fissure
Processus pterygoideus (ossis sphenoidalis) – Pterygoid process (of sphenoid bone)
Tuber maxillae – Tuber of maxilla
The list of terms:
Fossa pterygopalatina – Pterygopalatine fossaFissura pterygomaxillaris – Pterygomaxillary fissure
Fissura orbitalis inferior – Inferior orbital fissure
Processus pterygoideus (ossis sphenoidalis) – Pterygoid process (of sphenoid)
Tuber maxillae – Tuber of maxilla
Foramen sphenopalatinum – Sphenopalatine foramen
Foramen palatinum majus – Greater palatine foramen
Canalis palatinus major – Greater palatine canal
Canales palatini minores – Lesser palatine canals

The list of terms:
Fossa pterygopalatina – Pterygopalatine fossaParies superior fossae pterygopalatinae – Upper wall of the pterygopalatine fossa
Facies maxillaris alae majoris ossis sphenoidalis – Maxillar surface of the greater wing of sphenoid bone
Paries posterior fossae pterygopalatinae – Posterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa
Processus pterygoideus – Pterygoid process of sphenoid
Canalis pterygoideus – Pterygoid canal
Foramen rotundum – Round opening
Note the communication with the nasal cavity via foramen sphenopalatinum on the medial wall of the fossa.
The list of terms:
Fossa pterygopalatina – Pterygopalatine fossaParies medialis fossae pterygopalatinae – Medial wall of pterygopalatine fossa
Lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini – Perpendicular plate of palatine bone
Paries anterior fossae pterygopalatinae – Anterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa
Facies infratemporalis maxillae – Infratemporal surface of the maxilla
Foramen sphenopalatinum – Sphenopalatine foramen
Last update: 18/Nov/2020