
Cranial Sutures

Most of the bones of an adult human skull are connected to each other by syndesmoses and are called sutures. The strength of the cranial sutures is comparable to that of bones: traumatic rupture of the sutures is possible, especially in childhood1, but in any case, such ruptures are much less common than fractures of the skull bones.2.

  • 1 Campobasso C, Micco F, et al. Undetected traumatic diastasis of cranial sutures: a case of child abuse. Forensic Sci Int, 2019, 298:307–311.
  • 2 Ochalski P, Adamo M, et al. Fractures of the clivus and traumatic diastasis of the central skull base in the pediatric population. J Neurosurg, 2011, 7(3):261–267.
  • manicula
    • Types of sutures depending on their shape:
    • Serrate suture, from Latin serratus — sawlike, notched like a saw. This type of sutures is found predominantly between the bones of the cranial vault, i.e. coronal and sagittal sutures;
    • Plane sutures with a characteristic linear or smoothly curved outline on the surface of the skull. Located mainly between the bones of facial skull, i.e. internasal, nasomaxillar, lacrimomaxillar sutures;
    • Squamous suture, from Latin squama "scale" of a fish or reptile. Made by the squamous part of the temporal bone;
    • Denticulate suture similar to the serrate suture, but with a more rectangular and wider free end, eg: lambdoid suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Cranial sutures, frontal view. Norma frontalis
    Suturae cranii. Aspectus cranii anterior
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura coronalis Coronal suture
    Sutura squamosа Squamous suture
    Sutura frontozygomatica Frontozygomatic suture
    Sutura sphenofrontalis Sphenofrontal suture
    Sutura sphenozygomatica Sphenozygomatic suture
    Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris Zygomaticomaxillary suture
    Sutura intermaxillaris Intermaxillary suture
    Sutura frontonasalis Frontonasal suture
    Sutura frontomaxillaris Frontomaxillary suture
    Sutura internasalis Internasal suture
    Sutura nasomaxillaris Nasomaxillary suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Cranial sutures, top view. Norma superior cranii
    Suturae cranii. Aspectus cranii superior
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura coronalis Coronal suture
    Sutura sagittalis Sagittal suture
    Sutura internasalis Internasal suture
    Sutura lambdoidea Lambdoidal suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Cranial sutures, posterior view. Norma occipitalis cranii
    Suturae cranii. Aspectus cranii posterior
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura sagittalis Sagittal suture
    Sutura lambdoidea Lambdoidal suture
    Sutura parietomastoidea Parietomastoid suture
    Sutura occipitomastoidea Occipitomastoid suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Cranial sutures, side view. Norma lateralis cranii
    Suturae cranii. Aspectus cranii lateralis
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura coronalis Coronal suture
    Sutura squamosа Squamous suture
    Sutura frontozygomatica Frontozygomatic suture
    Sutura sphenofrontalis Sphenofrontal suture
    Sutura sphenoparietalis Sphenoparietal suture
    Sutura sphenosquamosa Sphenosquamous suture
    Sutura lambdoidea Lambdoidal suture
    Sutura occipitomastoidea Occipitomastoid suture
    Sutura parietomastoidea Parietomastoid suture
    Sutura temporozygomatica Temporozygomatic suture
    Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris Zygomaticomaxillary suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Sutures of the viscerocranium. Anterolateral view
    Suturae cranii. Aspectus cranii anteriolateralis
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura nasomaxillaris Nasomaxillary suture
    Sutura frontomaxillars Frontomaxillary suture
    Sutura frontolacrimalis Frontolacrimal suture
    Sutura frontoethmoidea Frontoethmoidal suture
    Sutura frontonasalis Frontonasal suture
    Sutura internasalis Internasal suture
    Sutura frontozygomatica Frontozygomatic suture
    Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris Zygomaticomaxillary suture
    Sutura temporozygomatica Temporozygomatic suture
    Sutura sphenozygomatica Sphenozygomatic suture
    Sutura ethmoidomaxillaris Ethmoidomaxillary suture
    Sutura ethmoidolacrimalis Ethmoidolacrimal suture
    Sutura lacrimomaxillaris Lacrimomaxillary suture
    Sutura intermaxillaris Intermaxillary suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Sutures of the medial and inferior wall of the orbit
    Suturae cranii. Paries medialis orbitae dxt.
    The right zygomatic bone was removed to provide better visibility of the medial wall of the orbit
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura nasomaxillaris Nasomaxillary suture
    Sutura frontomaxillars Frontomaxillary suture
    Sutura frontolacrimalis Frontolacrimal suture
    Sutura frontoethmoidea Frontoethmoidal suture
    Sutura frontonasalis Frontonasal suture
    Sutura internasalis Internasal suture
    Sutura lacrimomaxillaris Lacrimomaxillary suture
    Sutura ethmoidolacrimalis Ethmoidolacrimal suture
    Sutura ethmoidomaxillaris Ethmoidomaxillary suture
    Sutura ethmomaxillaris Ethmomaxillary suture
    Sutura palatoethmoidea Palatoethmoidal suture
    Sutura intermaxillaris Intermaxillary suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Sutures of the nasal septum and the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
    Suturae cranii. Aspectus cranii lateralis
    Some bones of the viscerocranium (the right zygomatic, maxillary, lacrimal, nasal and paltine) as well as the ethmoid bone were removed to provide better visibility of the nasal septum and lateral wall of the nasal cavity.
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura nasomaxillaris Nasomaxillary suture
    Sutura frontonasalis Frontonasal suture
    Sutura lacrimomaxillaris Lacrimomaxillary suture
    Sutura lacrimoconchalis Lacrimoconchal suture
    Sutura sphenofrontalis Sphenofrontal suture
    Sutura sphenoparietalis Sphenoparietal suture
    Sutura sphenosquamosa Sphenosquamous suture
    Sutura sphenovomeralis Sphenovomerine suture
    Sutura palatomaxillaris Palatomaxillary suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Cranial sutures, inferior view. Norma basilaris cranii
    Suturae cranii. Basis cranii externa
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura incisiva Incisive suture
    Sutura intermaxillaris Intermaxillary suture
    Sutura palatina transversa Transverse palatine suture
    Sutura palatina mediana Median palatine suture
    Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris Zygomaticomaxillary suture
    Sutura sphenosquamosa Sphenosquamous suture
    Sutura sphenovomeralis Sphenovomeral suture
    Sutura occipitomastoidea Occipitomastoid suture

    Icon of crossfade image
    Cranial sutures, superior view. Internal surface of cranial base
    Suturae basis cranii internae. Aspectus superior
    Both parietal bones were removed to expose the sutures located on the internal base of the skull.
    Terminologia Anatomica
    Sutura frontoethmoidea Frontoethmoidal suture
    Sutura sphenoethmoidea Sphenoethmoidal suture
    Sutura sphenofrontalis Sphenofrontal suture
    Sutura sphenosquamosa Sphenosquamosal suture
    Sutura occipitomastoidea Occipitomastoid suture
    First published: 27/Sep/2024.