Sternum is the flat bone made by three parts (manubrium, corpus et processus xiphoideus) and synchodroses between them. Sternum stabilizes the ribs through their cartilages, limits the mobility of the thoracic spine, and, therefore, protects chest organs*.
The list of terms:
Manumbrium sterniCorpus sterni – Body of sternum
Processus xiphoideus – Xiphoid process
Synchondrosis manubriosternalis – Manubriosternal synchondrosis
Synchondrosis xiphisternalis – Xiphisternal synchondrosis
Incisura jugularis – Jugular notch
Incisura clavicularis – Clavicular notch
Incisurae costales – Costal notches
Last update: 28/Nov/2020